The legend of the Lausitzer Klosterberg tells of three young and beautiful women and their father, the old mountain spirit. He allowed his daughters, three lively young ladies, to visit the festivities taking place in the tavern atop the mountain, where they enchanted everyone with their beauty and dancing. However they had to return home before midnight, which made the young men at the tavern very sad. On their way back the ladies would take rest by a large stone before returning home... But one night a few young men followed them and they began chatting, when suddenly the village's church bell chimed the midnight hour! From moment to another the three women had disappeared and all that was to be heard from afar were their screams... Angry that his daughters had not returned home as promised the mountain spirit drowned them in the village's lagoon beneath the mountain.
Today the only thing reminding of this legend is the stone by a tree, called 'Dreisesselstein', which has three hollow spots in its surface, and it is believed they mark where the three women used to sit.